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Compers News Blog

Something For The Weekend - Nothing But Fun Every Day

Hello again happy compers!  How has your week been, any nice new wins to report?  My August spreadsheet now stands at 10 prizes overall – better than the 6 that it was a week ago!  No big wins at all this month, just a few instant wins (mystery prizes until they come), a tea-light holder, some loom bands and some cereal bars really!  Ah well, can’t moan, all useful items that will benefit the family in some way.  Quite glad to be on the home stretch to school now though - we are away at the moment visiting relatives on the mainland, but once we get back we will onl

Chatterbox Magazine Exchange

Hello all again!  How has your week been, any nice new wins to report?  August has continued to be a very dry month for me in terms of wins, but it really has been very enjoyable having the children home – even if it has meant working some strange hours and cram-working in certain weeks, just to fit it all in.  Secretly quite looking forward to regaining some routine and order now – how about you?  We are away on the Mainland visiting relatives this week, returning on Sunday night, so have had to be super-organised getting everything ready for school before we came

Something For The Weekend - Cravendale Bake Your Own Barry Competition

Hello again happy compers!  How has your week been, any nice new wins to report?  August has been my worst month for comping – ever!  Have enjoyed having the children home for the summer, but am secretly quite glad that we are on the home stretch to September now and routine and sanity can, once again, rule!  We are off visiting relatives on the mainland at the back end of next week, and may even squeeze a day trip in to Chessington, if the children behave well enough!  Have been trying to win some tickets, but to no avail, ah well, always next year! 

Fake Competitions and How to Spot Them

Hello compers!  Well, those of us with little ones at home for the summer are on the home stretch now – less of the holidays still to go, than have already been.  Just 2 weeks left here until my eldest goes back, and 2.5 weeks until my youngest starts school for the first time!  The weather seems to have deteriorated somewhat here on the Island too; with the weathermen now saying that we have had all the hot weather we are going to have this summer.  Don’t know about you, but I have even seen quite a large number of Christmas themed competitions cropping up over th

Something For The Weekend - Win an iPad Air with Spar Shop & Win

Hello again compers!  Half way through August – can’t quite believe it myself!  How has your month been so far?  What plans do you have for the weekend?  Do let us know in the comment below!  It is the annual Garlic Festival here on the Island this weekend – lots of good food, drink, fairgrounds rides and live music – so may take the family along to that for the day.  How are the wins going?  I am having an uber dry-spell at the mo – barely anything of note won this month!  Getting more comping in now though, so hoping the Comping Fairy hasn’t completely forgotten

August Bank Holiday - WIN National Garden Gift Vouchers (CLOSED)

Hello again compers!  How was your weekend, and the start to your week so far?  Any nice wins to report?  Having a super-dry spell here at the moment!  Still, I only have myself to blame really, as have either been working or socialising – no time for comping over the last week or so!  But, Cowes Week is finally over and done with for another year, relatives have gone back to the mainland, so apart form still having the children home, I can start to get back into some kind of routine!.

Something For The Weekend - Prince's On-Pack Promotions

Hello again happy compers!  How has your week been?  Productive?  Relaxing? Ready for the weekend now – I know I am!  Got any big plans this weekend, or just unwinding from a busy week?  Cowes week finishes up here this weekend, so we will be off to watch the famous fireworks display tonight, as well as a display by some RAF Typhoons and the Red Arrows.  The rest of the weekend will be chilled out, and hopefully catching up on some comping, which has rather gone by the wayside this last week or so.  Getting withdrawal symptoms hehe.

Success Stories Round-up - July 2014

Hello again compers!  August is well under way now isn’t it – scary how fast the weeks go this time of year!  Have you been having lots of fun over the weekend?  After the rush of the End of The Month Competitions, I treated myself to some “down-time” this weekend, and spent it enjoying Cowes Week with my family – lots of live music, a glass or two of cider, and generally enjoying some relaxation time!  How about you, have you managed to switch off a bit this summer, or are you always thinking of jobs that need doing, and comps that need entering (I know I do, and

Something For The Weekend - Lucozade Kit Out Project

Hello compers!  August is here, can you believe it?  What has been your highlight of the summer so far?  Mine has to be taking my eldest and her BFF on a day’s outing to celebrate her 8th birthday this week.  This consisted of the zoo, the beach, ice creams, picnic, a few beach-side rides and the obligatory burgers, fries and milkshakes on the way home!  Let me know what you have been up to in the comments below, we love to hear from you!

Comping With Your Camera

Good morning compers!  Are you enjoying the summer so far?  Have you managed to get out in the sun lots?  What have you been up to, drop me a comment below and let me know, I am always looking for inspiration!  I have barely been indoors since the summer holidays started – it has been a whirlwind of picnic making, sun-cream application, beach trips, walks in the country and playing in the sea – and it isn’t even August yet!

Something For The Weekend - Win a Land Rover with Aqua Pura

Hello again compers!  The Summer Holidays are finally here!  Does this fill you with excitement or dread?  A bit of both here – love having the kids home and spending some good quality time together, but it gets quite tricky juggling all the responsibilities over the summer.  Even if you don’t have kiddos home for the summer, the demands on your time seem to change over the summer – we all want to be out doing things, but the need to work, do housework and other commitments are always I the back of our minds.  What do you have planned for summer?

Comping With Kids

Good morning compers!  Well it’s here, the time you have either been waiting for or dreading if you have small children – the Summer Holidays!  The 6 weeks break always comes with mixed emotions for me – I love having my children home, having a break from the routine of school runs and homework, and enjoy getting organised with activities and trips planned.  But, I also struggle to fit in everything else with the children home – work, housework, a bit of sacred “me time”.  How about you, how do the Summer Holidays make you feel?

Something For The Weekend - Mars Sweet Sundays

Hello again all!  Well July is certainly well under way now, and my children are counting the hours almost until the start of the summer holidays!  For me, I am just trying to get as far ahead as I can with work, whilst organising as much as I can around what we would like to do as a family over the summer.  No big foreign holidays for us this year (unless I win one haha), so more preparation needs to be done into days out, special offers and local events.  What will you be doing over the summer months?  Any special trips planned?

Super Summer Savings - Long Term Subscription Offer

Hello again compers!  Well, half way through July already, doesn’t seem possible does it – where is this year going?  Summer festivities are almost upon us here on the Island – one more week until both my children are off for the long 6 week break!  I have been busily squirreling away free colouring sheets, workbooks, small summer competition wins such as craft kits, beach balls and kites.  I have also been squirreling the pennies away to help budget for the summer too – all those ice creams, orange juices and picnic supplies soon add up!  Except for the Christmas

Something For The Weekend - J20 Golden Hour

Hello again compers!  It’s been another crazy busy week here, as it always seems to be towards the end of term.  This week has mainly been sponsored by the phrase “sports day”, as I have been along to not one, not two by THREE different sports days this week!  I wouldn’t mind but I only have two children hehe.  I am very much looking forward to enjoying a cold beverage in the sunshine this weekend, and if you are already thinking the same then J20 might have just the competition for you!

Something For The Weekend - The Clover Summer's Day

Hello again compers!  What a busy week it’s been here!  School transitions are in full swing, so this week has been occupied with new school routines, teachers and a couple of very tired children – and some very tired parents come to that!  Summer seems to be advancing all too quickly – just two weeks or so here now until the schools are out and routines thrown to the wind!  My summer stash of activities is growing nicely, so there should be less risk of any “we’re bored!” moments over the six week holidays – unless we have torrential rain and unseasonable snow tha

Success Stories Round-up - June 2014

Hello again all!  Summer seems to be starting to take hold nicely here on the island!  Our car has finally came home fixed this week, so I am starting to make plans for beach picnics and forest walks already!  I had a nice little win to end June and help get organised for summer too – a summer kit from Nivea consisting of sun creams, after suns and beach toys!  This was a perfect win for me – what’s on your Wish List at the moment? 

Something For The Weekend - Happy Summer Days

Hello again everyone!  Well, we had a mini heat wave here on the Island this week – had to break out summer dresses, plenty of sun screen and my mind got to wandering about what I need to get planned for the impending school summer holidays!  I have a bag hidden away from little prying eyes that contains various treats already – a new huge beach ball, a Frisbee, some stickers and little toys that have been won and squirreled away, ingredients for baking, a “make your own board game kit” and other bits and bobs that I have put together as some inspiration for the 6

The Wonderful Windex Database

Hello again all!  How are you enjoying the summer weather so far?  Has there been any sun yet where you live?  Have you been spending more evenings sat outside, or weekend out enjoying the dry weather – rather than spending time indoors entering comps?  I know I have been!  I don’t think I managed more than about 25 comps over the whole course of last weekend, as we were barely at home!  During these times, it is often a good idea to dedicate some of your comping time to lower entry, more skill based comps – such as slogans and tie breakers.  And, following on from