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Compers News Blog

Something For The Weekend - Born to be Chilled

Hello again everyone!  The sun has been shining here on the Island all week, with some good weather predicted for the weekend too – feels like summer is well and truly settling in nicely!  It was also the Isle of Wight Festival last weekend, which for me always marks the start of the summer festival season – months of fantastic live music (whether you watch it in person or on TV at home), chilling in the sun with your friends and family, maybe enjoying a BBQ and some drinks – so long as they are ice cold! 

Writing Successful Slogans

Hello again everybody, hasn’t time flown, middle of June already!  What do you use to keep track of what prizes you have won, and from where?  Spreadsheet, a notebook, a sticky note stuck on your diary?   Whatever method you use now seems like a good time of the year to take stock, flip back through and see what kind of competitions you have won so far this year.  Are you winning lots, or are you having a bit of a dry spell?  Sometimes when prizes seem to dry up for us, it can be a good excuse to try a different type of comp, maybe one we don’t usually focus on.  M

Something For The Weekend - World Cup Fever 2014

Its 13th June 2014 and a strange illness has overcome my family – it involves the desire to wear England-themed clothing, sing patriotic songs, hang flags and drink the occasional beverage in the sunshine.  Yes, you guessed it - we all have WORLD CUP FEVER!  Has the fever spread to where you are too?  Love it or hate it, you really can’t escape the World Cup now!  At 23:00 on Saturday England will play Italy in their opening game of the tournament, and as a family we will be certainly be watching (well me and the hubby will, it’s a bit too late for the little on

Success Stories Round-up - May 2014

Hello again everyone!  Summer definitely seems to be on the way here in the South – the annual stockpile of sun creams, after sun, bottles of water and sunhats has begun in earnest at my house!  At this time of year it is so very lovely to go and enjoy some lovely quality, family time out in the sun, and we all seem to have less time available to devote to our favourite hobby of comping!  In this way it is sometimes really nice to have a peek at what others have been winning over the last month, to give us all some incentive to keep going and having a comp when we have a s

Something For The Weekend - Discovery Channel UK – Make Your World Bigger Competition

The Discovery Channel UK are celebrating 25 years of broadcasting in Western Europe by launching their MASSIVE Make Your World Bigger competition to win 25 once in a lifetime experiences, as well as other prizes!  They are asking people to submit up to 5 photos or videos, accompanied by a maximum of 25 words explaining how they have made their world bigger.

Things you might need to comp…

If you love to make model planes, then kits, glue and paint may well be on your shopping list. Football lovers may well need a ball and perhaps some sports kit to take part in their hobby. But what might compers need, and is there actually anything special in the way of equipment that can help with this pastime?

Comps for different folks

Comping is an incredibly varied hobby. And no matter what kind of person you are, no matter what you're into, you're almost certain to find a way that entering competitions can enhance your life!

Here are just a few 'types' of people we can think of, and some of the ways they could fall in love with competitions.

Three ways to be part of the comping community

Comping isn't a hobby that you need to share with other people if you don't want to. It's easy to start being a comper, simply by entering competitions - you don't even have to tell anyone about it, if you don't want to!

It's not like football, say, where there's a good chance you're only ever going to get the most out of the pastime as part of a group or a team.

Competitions to win UK experiences

Today we're going to look at some current comps people could enter to have a great time in the UK - from a meal out to a holiday!

Just as there are exciting overseas holidays competitions to enter - which you'll find in places like Compers News and online - there are also comps to win UK holidays out there. 

Winning in the world of celebs

So who's your favourite famous star? We all have one, be it someone from the world of film, a musician or someone we love off the telly.

It's always a good idea to see, every now and then, whether there's a chance to win something associated with a celeb you like, especially if you're a massive comper!

Comping into the summer

Comping is a great hobby for the winter months. After all, you don't need to venture out of your wood-fire-warmed living room or cosy bedroom to be able to enjoy its fun!

All you need is a computer, and maybe a pile of postcards and stamps and the latest issue of Compers News for company!

Finding occasion-themed comps

What should you do when you want to track down comps that are linked to one particular occasion?  

Competitions that are themed around an upcoming event are very common. At Christmas time, for example, you can barely move for all the Advent and festive comps there are to be enjoyed.

And at this time of year, we're seeing a lot of Mother's Day themed comps spring up, as well as the inevitable Easter comps.