Three ways to be part of the comping community

Comping isn't a hobby that you need to share with other people if you don't want to. It's easy to start being a comper, simply by entering competitions - you don't even have to tell anyone about it, if you don't want to!

It's not like football, say, where there's a good chance you're only ever going to get the most out of the pastime as part of a group or a team.

But that said, there are lots of ways that you can start to to feel more like you're part of a comping community, and remind yourself that you're far from the only person out there who enjoys comping!

There are lots of possible advantages to this - so it's certainly worth considering using one of the options below to make your comping feel more like it's just one part of a pastime shared by thousands.

Read Compers News

Compers News is a great way to remind yourself that comping is something lots of us love.

It's always got brilliant stories from people who love comping and have become winners, and reading these is a fantastic way to boost your sense that you belong to a comping community.

It's also a great talking point you can enjoy with other compers who love the magazine. Maybe you've both read the same set of tips in one issue, and found them useful, or both enjoyed entering the same comp listed in the Listings File, for example?

One example of a winner whose story we published in September last year is Angie Fensom from Holbeach.

Angie wrote in and thanked the Compers News team, after having been signed up as a mag member for a little over one year.

"I have had so much fun entering as many different comps as possible over the months and here is a photo of me on honeymoon - a prize spa break at Dunston Hall," she said.

Angie said she loved reading the Chatterbox section I'm A Winner, which she said inspires her to keep on comping when a lean spell comes up.

That brings us onto…


Even if you aren't sure that any Compers live near you, you can still use the power of the internet to get in touch with other compers online. And Chatterbox, the Compers News forum, is the perfect spot to do this.

The messageboard is only accessible to people who have a Compers News subscription - in other words, it's not only an exciting perk of having a membership, it's also populated exclusively by people who love Comping. (After all, we're pretty sure no one reads our magazine because they're NOT a fan of competitions!)

Never used an online messageboard before? Don't worry, you'll soon be posting and reading with ease! It's simply a case of registering, inventing your own username and popping in a few other details, then hitting the forums!

We recommend that you use the Welcome to Chatterbox forum as your first port of call, and predict you'll have new comper online friends in no time!

Comping clubs

But the comping chat doesn't just have to be part of the online world. A range of comping clubs are available, offering a place where like-minded comping fanatics can share their hobby.

If you've never heard of a comping club before, one place you will be able to get more information on this exciting and sociable part of the comping landscape is Chatterbox itself.

There's a Comping Clubs and Get-togethers section on our messageboard, which people use to let other people know about club meetings.

Remember to take sensible precautions if you do end up meeting up with people you only know online, of course.

So, how many blog readers are Chatterbox or comping club members? Do you have any exciting stories to share about this aspect of comping? The comments section is ready for your thoughts!