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Compers News Blog

Win Gardening Goodies with National Allotment Week (CLOSED)

Hello everyone! How is your week going, any nice wins to report? Had a random surprise win turn up in the post on Monday – a sample of LA Muscle whey protein powder and a copy of Muscle magazine haha. I think this was one of 3,000 prizes given away by Mr Hyde, but all wins are good wins I say! Not quite sure where the time is going now though, doesn’t seem like there is enough of the summer holidays left for us to fit everything in.

Something For The Weekend - Win Instant Delights with Pink & Whites

Hello everyone! How was your week, any nice wins to report? Just one win for me for August so far – had a huge copy of the book Half a War turn up in the post from HarperCollins. I don’t remember the competition and am struggling to track it down, but it is still a nice win! Had the first of our Inside Out Brush Time Kits arrive this week too, and it is a really nice set! We have told the girls that they can’t have them until the second one arrives, so they have one each and can’t argue – at least that’s the theory!

July Success Stories

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report? Just one win here since last time, but it was quite a nice one. I won a one to one cake painting class and a lovely book too from a cake making magazine comp. I am not sure if I am going to be able to attend the class itself, but depending on where it is I am going to try as it sounds like a lovely experience! We took the girls and one of my eldest’s friends to see Inside Out this week – what an emotional rollercoaster that was!

Summer Comps Round-up

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Just a few small wins this week so far of a pack of football sweets from Sky Sports and another book from Goodreads – that’s five this month so far, going to be busy this summer!  How are you coping with the summer holidays if you have little ones home, or how have you been enjoying the summer itself?  Not been particularly summe

Something For The Weekend - Win Minions Goodies with Frubes

Hello everyone!  How was your week, any nice wins to report?  We had a surprise win of a Dancing “Oh” toy from the movie Home arrive in the post that my youngest had won, I won another book on Goodreads and also a surprise box of “Stud Muffins” turned up!  Yes you read that correctly - Stud Muffins - these are horse treats you will no doubt be amused to know, and I am sure I have some horsey friends

Get Ready For Summer - Win a £50 Boots Voucher (CLOSED)

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Another nice Twitter win here of a £50 voucher for Fayre & Square pubs from Twitter – will be a nice way to treat my parents when we visit over the summer, as we usually go to their local Fayre & Square for lunch.  Well, the children are off and the summer has begun!  We were off camping at the weekend for the first time, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  We all

Something For The Weekend - Win 1,000s of Happy Days with Activia

Hello everyone!  How was your week going, any nice wins to report?  Another nice Twitter win here of a £Nothing new for me to report, but it has been a crazy busy week.  My children are now officially broken up for the summer – half of me wants to shout “hurrah” and the other half wants to slink away into a quiet corner and forget the fact that I am still not very organised for it.  I do love ha

Compers News Members Benefits - The Wonderful Windex Database

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  I managed a hat trick on Monday winning a book from Goodreads, a set of Sylvanian Families playing cards from a Twitter comp and a £25 John Lewis voucher from a Twitter party with Tots100.  I love Twitter parties and have a great success rate of wins from them.  I didn’t even tweet many times for this particular party as I didn’t

Something For The Weekend - Win 1 of 10 Family Activity Holidays with Honey Monster Puffs

Hello everyone!  How was your week, any nice wins to report?  Just one new win here of a WorldSim travel sim card and £20 credit, from their #Dance4Prizes social media video comp.  I had to show them my “happy dance”, which I happily did and shared across Facebook for all to see – the prize was worth making a wally out of myself though!  I have been working like a busy bumble bee this week tryin

When Good Comps go Bad - How to Complain

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Nothing new for me this week to report, but been a really busy one (as always) with work, school commitments and trying to get ahead of the game before the children break up from school next week.  Had a nasty virus on my PC yesterday too, which set me back somewhat.  Horrid when these things get through the security software – t

Something For The Weekend - Win an iPad Every Day with Tena Lady

Hello again compers!  How was your week going, any nice wins to report?  One small one so far for me for July – a travel ticket wallet from the Yazoo unlock instant win comp.  Been a crazy busy week here so hardly any comping done.  My girls have been in transition days at school the last two days, where they have been testing out what it will be like in their new classes after the summer. 

June Success Stories

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Can you believe we are in July already, how crazy is that!  We are already half way through the year and I don’t feel like I have had chance to sit down!  Still, summer holiday are almost upon us again, and my youngest will have finished her first year at primary school – scary thought!  Comping

Something For The Weekend - Win £10,000 with Actimel

Hello again compers!  How was your week, any nice wins to report?  Nothing new here since we last spoke, but it has been a crazy busy week.  Went to my eldest daughter’s Key Stage 2 end of year assembly this morning, which was lovely but seemed to go on forever as there were three classes involved.  I love all the school activities that come round this time of year, but they do get in the way of

How To - Keep Your Comping Local

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  A couple more wins here of a chocolate hamper from a Twitter comp and a Playmobil set from an online game that my daughters entered - my eldest won 3rd prize!  Been comping on and off this week, but it has been another busy one with doctor’s appointments, school sports days and assemblies and homework, so has been tric

Something For The Weekend - Win 1 of 250,000 Cinema Tickets with Peperami

Hello again compers!  How was your week going, any nice wins to report?  Hurrah, I can finally report a win for me – yippee!  Only a small win of a signed copy of the book The Teenagers Guide to Being Fabulous from a KalliKids social media comp, but at this point I am very grateful for every and all wins!  It is funny how a long winning dry spell can make you that much more appreciative of every

Compers News Benefits - Create Your Own Personalied Postcards

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Oh my goodness I STILL haven’t won a thing this month!  I have had a few SoPost goodies and freebies through, which are always nice treats, but still no actual “wins”.  I am starting to think the Coming Fairy has completely forgotten about me, but maybe just maybe she will be visiting me soon laden with lots of wonderful pri

Something For The Weekend - Win an Ultimate Treat Holiday with Kettle Chips

Hello again compers!  How was your week, any nice wins to report?  I am afraid I still have nothing to tell you about my own wins – going through the longest dry spell I have had in years!  I won’t lie, I am starting to lose my mojo a bit and really could do with even a tiny win to restore my faith in the Comping Fairy – I think she has deserted me!  Last night also saw the start of this year’s