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Winning Stories

October Success Stories

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Just one win for me so far for November of some Bear Nibbles goodies in their Facebook instant win game.  My girls love their cereal and sweets, so this is a nice treat win – I have won a few times with them in the past too.  How is your November going, have the wins from the end of month coms started flooding in yet?  Not q

September Success Stories

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Just one win for me for October so far of a retro style coaster with a snail print on – so cute!  September wasn’t too bad a month for me as I won a total of nine prizes totalling around £220 in value.  My favourite prize for September has to be the awesome designer handbag from Elvis & Kresse made from recycled firehose and

August Success Stories

Hello everyone!  No wins for me yet this week, but been another crazy busy week.  Seem to have spent the whole week washing, ironing, labelling and sharpening things ready for the girls to go back to school tomorrow – I think I will allow myself a very small hurrah at this point!  I did work my way through most of the End of Month (EOM) competitions, but I haven’t had any wins through as yet – keepin

July Success Stories

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report? Just one win here since last time, but it was quite a nice one. I won a one to one cake painting class and a lovely book too from a cake making magazine comp. I am not sure if I am going to be able to attend the class itself, but depending on where it is I am going to try as it sounds like a lovely experience! We took the girls and one of my eldest’s friends to see Inside Out this week – what an emotional rollercoaster that was!

June Success Stories

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Can you believe we are in July already, how crazy is that!  We are already half way through the year and I don’t feel like I have had chance to sit down!  Still, summer holiday are almost upon us again, and my youngest will have finished her first year at primary school – scary thought!  Comping

May Success Stories

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  No June wins for me so far, but won a Nick Junior Goody Bag in a Twitter party on Friday, so will be fun to see what it include when it arrives.  Seeing as how it is officially summer it hasn’t felt very summery this week until now.  We are off to our eldest daughter’s sports day this afternoon, so at least the sun has decid

April Success Stories

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Four wins for me so far for May including a hamper of Bear Nibbles goodies from Instagram, a pair of walking boots worth £75 from Millets on Facebook, a pencil case in a facebook comp and a box of After Eight Mints from their daily Facebook comp – yum!  April wasn’t too bad a month for me in the end, seeing as how the kiddos were

March Success Stories

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Three wins for me so far this April – a Promotional Merchandise goodie bag from their online scavenger hunt, a signed copy of “Guess How Much I Love You” in a Netmums comp, and 2 Body Shop face masks in a Comper 2 Comper competition in a Facebook group.  How was your Easter weekend, consume lots of lovely chocolate eggs I hope?&n

February Success Stories

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Two more little wins since we lost spoke of a colouring book from Child’s Farm on Facebook for sharing my Half Term, tip, and a £20 voucher to spend at and a vintage Enid Blyton book.  I was really hoping to win this one, as they sell some lovely vintage and retro items, so am very chuffed with this win.  Fe

January Success Stories

Hello compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Three wins for me since last time, after I had a little moan to the Comping Fairy complaining she had forgotten me!  Won a bottle of Sparkling Rose wine in a Facebook comp, a “Love Is…” print in another Facebook comp and a hoodie from 90:10 in a blog comp – with over 4,000 entries too!  Am chuffed with the hoodie as it was somethi