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Get Ready For Summer - Win a £50 Boots Voucher (CLOSED)

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Another nice Twitter win here of a £50 voucher for Fayre & Square pubs from Twitter – will be a nice way to treat my parents when we visit over the summer, as we usually go to their local Fayre & Square for lunch.  Well, the children are off and the summer has begun!  We were off camping at the weekend for the first time, and we thoroughly enjoyed it.  We all got really stuck into the non-electric life playing board games and cards, cooking on the camp stove and sitting round the fire pit doing quizzes in the evening – really jolly nice!

What do you have planned for the summer months?  Are you off on some exotic foreign holiday, or maybe it is a staycation this year with lots of home-grown fun?  If, like me, you have little ones at home and are still working over the summer I bet your comping has to take a bit of a backseat during these months – I know mine does!  I like to try and find some practical competition prizes that will help out over the summer too – supermarket comps, toys, games and vouchers are always handy. 

With this in mind how do you fancy winning a £50 Boots voucher to help out this summer?  Well that’s exactly what we have on offer this month for our exclusive competition just for Compers News members.  Join in and you could be stocking up on sun cream, treating yourself to some new make up or just purchasing all the essentials we need every day like shampoo, bubble bath and moisturiser.  To enter you need to be a registered Compers News member and logged into your account.  Then just leave me a message in the comments below with your best summer health & beauty tip.  This could be how to keep your make up on in the heat, how to make sure your hair doesn’t frazzle during the summer or how to stay healthy with all that ice cream as a temptation!  One entry per person, comments are modified so won’t appear immediately and entries close at 23:59 on Tuesday 28th July 2015.  One winner will be chosen at random after the closing date – good luck everyone and enjoy the sunshine!

Happy comping everyone, and lots of Lucky dust to you all!

Kirsty x


Terms & Conditions


  • The prize is a £50 Boots voucher
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Entrants must be registered Compers News members and logged in to their account
  • One entry per person
  • Entrants must leave a blog comment with their best summer health & beauty tip
  • The closing date is 23:59 on Tuesday 28th July 2015
  • One winner will be chosen at random from all entries received
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected



Don't forget to apply high factor sunscreen when you go out ,and top up regularly.

Use waterproof eyeliner and mascara in the summer to stop your make up smearing in the heat.

Nobody looks good when peeling - always use sunscreen! Look at the star rating on the back to make sure you're filtering out as much UVA as possible too - that'll stop you ageing quicker.

If you get sweat stains on your clothing spray on some lemon juice just before washing the garment.

My top tip is keep out of the sun. Use fake tan and a tinted moisturiser for that sun kissed look.

Use a moisturiser that contains SPF as added protection against the sun whilst looking and feeling good!

Take bottles of water with you when you go out walking / exploring - and drink regularly.

keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water

Stop you heels from cracking by applying a heel crack prevention cream before you start exposing them in sandals - if no heel crack cream just use a thick moisturiser cream. It is so much easier to look after them before they crack and they look so much nicer and feel good too when you expose them to the sun.

Carry a face spritzer in your bag for those hot and sunny days.....

drink plenty of fluid ( not alcoholic ) throughout the day

Add a slice of lemon to your water to make it more refreshing

My beauty tip is drink plenty of water

Use a water infusion bottle. That way you would be drinking plenty of water and having some of your five a day!

If it is sunny and hot wear light colours to help keep you cool-not black as that attracts the heat and will make you feel hotter-try to avoid synthetic fabrics as much as possible too.

Keep a bottle of sunscreen in the car so it is always handy for re-applying.

Keep perfume & cologne well wrapped in a fridge, this prolongs shelf life,
Thanks for the comp.

My tip is after your shower or bath, use an emery board to remove hard skin from heels and other prone areas of your feet, to leave them Summer fit and looking good.

Don't forget to apply high factor suntan cream even on cloudy days in summer

make smoothies and enjoy instead of a cocktail ;)

My best summer health & beauty tip is to use lots of sunblock or sunscreen and reapply every 2-4 hours. Use a pea sized amount for the face and a shot glass sized amount for the body.

Eat some in season fresh fruit with every meal.

Always use sun cream to preserve and protect your skin, especially your face. I use Nivea with a SPF 20, face cream.

Take a cagoul with you! You never know when you might get caught in a shower

If you have oily skin use milk of magnesia. Put it on after your moisturiser before you put your make up on for shine free skin.

Don't bother to get your hair dyed before you go away - the sun just bleaches out the colour. I use one of those professional colour-style mousses which tides me over (and works perfectly) (the brand I use is Indola) and then I get my hair re-done when I get home. However, just to contradict the above, I do always get my eyelashes dyed before I go on holiday - it means no need for mascara!

This will not work if you are colouring grey haired roots, my advice is, have your roots coloured before you go away, then take a conditioner designed to help keep your colour in, your hair may get a bit lighter in the sun, but at least it will be all over, and no-one will know you have grey hair. !

Always carry some wet wipes so you can freshen up wherever you are.

If its too hot to sleep, try tying some fresh lavender in a hanky and popping it under your pillow for a calming scent to drift off to.

Keep a potato in the fridge! To revive tired looking eyes thinly slice and place a cooling slice over each eye to remove puffiness.

Ladies of shall we say amble bosoms lol dab talc underneath to absorb & leave you sweet smelling.If you keep face creams & aftersun lotion in the fridge it's cooling when applied in the hot weather.

buy and small round tin of vaseline for lips. They do Aloe Vera, which is brilliant for dry lips and skin. Perfect small size for handbags too.

If you are going to be out in the sun for a long time wear a hat to prevent you burning your scalp.

Add slices of fresh lemon and cucumber for a natural detox.

Use the nicer weather to explore your local area -healthy walking and free of charge!

Being a mum of four gorgeous little un's and one a lovely red-head, & also being of the paler (milky bar kid) variety, I have had to learn the rules of sunscreen! These are the rules I follow :-)
Buy sunscreens with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15!
Make sure it protects against both UVA and UVB rays :-)
Put it on 20 - 30 minutes before going out in the sunshine!
Use it, even when it’s cool outside or cloudy, those rays can still get through the clouds!
Apply it generously— if you think you've used enough, you need more! lol.
Take sunscreen with you wherever you go & put more sunscreen on throughout the day.
Always reapply after getting wet or exercising!
This is all based on the premise that we actually get any more sun :-) Have Fun!

Avoid the "midges got me" face with Avon's So Soft spray moisturiser that is supposed to be the biggest secret in preventing midge and mosquito bites.

Look for hair products that contain sun filters to protect it from chlorine and the sun when on holiday.

Use a decent sun cream as a daily moisturiser whether it's cloudy or sunny - with our weather you'll always be prepared!

Make sure that in the sun you wear a hat (to protect your parting oohh!) and sunglasses to protect your eyes

Mix a little sun cream in with your liquid foundation. It gives you a great finish and protects you against the sun!

Always keep well hydrated with water, good tip all year round but really important in the summer. I always have a bottle with me when I am out and about.

As the aussies say slip slop slap... To avoid wrinkles from sun damage and lines from squinting

During summer I try to get outside as much as possible - cycling, horseriding, rounders etc - anything to boost my vitamin D intake!

Sunscreen is a given for a day in the sun but also don't forget the after sun cream for those red spots you might have missed and for great all over moisturising.

Eat some marmite if you are going anywhere where there are mozzies. They absolutely hate it and won't come near you.

Keep your lip salve in the fridge.

Drink loads of water , you will look better hydrated.

Cool yourself -and the kids- down by running cold water over the inside of your wrists. Also - but adults only - cold water on the back of your neck works

make sure to check both UVA and UVB * ratings on sun screens the higher the better