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Celebrate British Food Fortnight - Win a £50 Supermarket Voucher (CLOSED)

Hello everyone!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Another Goodreads book for me and I also managed to win a nice Christmas gift for my youngest of a Playmobil horse set worth about £10.  This was from a caption contest on Facebook, which I really enjoy entering and have reasonable success with!  Nice to be able to start squirreling prizes away for Christmas now, I like to start early and get as much done before the end of October as I can!  Do you like to hide prizes away when you win them, or do you like to enjoy them straight away?  I am usually pretty bad at holding prizes back as I like to see the enjoyment on people’s faces, but this time of year I get more disciplined and force myself to keep the majority of items back!

Autumn has definitely arrived here on the Island, and we have been enjoying lots of nice walks along the coastline, through the woods and along the cliffs these last few weekends.  It is especially lovely to arrive home from a chilly autumn walk to a home-cooked goulash or stew simmering in the slow cooker, and a fresh loaf of bread cooking in the bread machine.  We try to buy as many Island-grown and made ingredients as we can, to help to support the local economy – it isn’t always practical or economical but we do what we can.  One way we can all try to support the national economy in its recovery is to buy and eat British food as much as we can.  Help your local British dairies, farmers and producers by looking out for stickers on your everyday food to show that they have been grown and raised in Britain.

To celebrate the variety of British Foods why not participate in British Food Fortnight, cooking up some tasty British recipes and using locally sourced produce.  British Food Fortnight runs from 19th September 2015 - 4th October 2015 and if you head along to the website you will be treated to a wide variety of information and advice on how best to celebrate this important event with your own family.  To help celebrate Compers News is giving away a lovely prize in our monthly prize draw, exclusively for members.  Leave me a comment below and tell me what your favourite British Dish is and I will select one winner to receive a £50 supermarket voucher of your choice from Asda, Tesco or Sainsbury’s. You could soon be stocking up on all sorts of yummy British foods including vegetables, fruit, cheese, milk and a roast meat joint for the weekend!  You need to be a registered Compers News member and logged into your account to join in, one comment per person and one winner will be drawn at random after the closing date of Tuesday 29th September 2015 at 23:59.

Happy comping and lots of Lucky Dust to you all!

Kirsty x


Terms & Conditions


  • The prize is a £50 voucher for Asda, Tesco or Sainsbury’s (to be chosen by the winner)
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Entrants must be registered Compers News members and logged in to their account
  • One entry per person
  • Entrants must leave a comment on the blog answering the question “What is your favourite British Dish?”
  • The closing date is 23:59 on Tuesday 29th September 2015
  • One winner will be chosen at random from all entries received
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected



Bangers and Mash

Ooo favourite British Dish?! Humm.
For me I think it would have to be a traditional Fish and Chips! Lots of s&v whilst walking along a British Coast Line, obviously picking up a few postcards along the way! Thanks for the comp x

My favourite British Dish is Shepherd's Pie

Battered cod, chips and mushy peas.

Shepherds pie, with Swede and potato mash

British Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, Roast Potatoes, Brussel Sprouts and Gravy - I'm hungry already!

I love lamb hotpot, made in the slow cooker. When it is a cold, miserable, day it's lovely to come in to the smell of it cooking and so easy to prepare. I put some veg in the steamer which only takes 20 mins to do - a quick, tasty meal for the family.

The full hit roast dinner, chicken, roasties, stuffing, roast parnsnips, carrots, peas and lashings of gravy, mmmm.

Lots of favourites but can't really beat good old Fish and Chips!

Thanks for the comp - be lucky everyone. I have won a few things this year which I have put away for
Christmas presents - such a help when that time comes around!

Liver and onions

I love fish chips and mushy peas, with plenty of salt and vinegar.

Welsh rarebit!

It's got to be good ole fish 'n' chips, preferably haddock, surrounded by a succulent crisp batter. Thanks for running this tasty little comp.

My favourite is mince and tatties (potatoes)

Living by the sea...... I have to say that my fav British meal is the good old fish n chips ( in paper) with plenty of salt and vinegar....

Got to be fish and chips for me. Just unbeatable.
They are just not the same if you have them abroad

Difficult to pick an absolute favourite but one of them is liver and bacon with onions.

My favourite British dish is Christmas Dinner. Roast Turkey with all the trimmings. Yum!

I love a nice traditional fish & chips!

- Especially by the sea with crispy batter.

My favourite British dish is battered cod, homemade chips and mushy peas

Favourite British dish is battered cod and chips-lovely on a cold night and why do they always taste better in the paper than on a plate?


Fish and chips every time for me. it just brings the lovely British seaside,sunshine and showers back to me.

Something called 'Ethel's Belly Pork' from an old 'Archers' recipe book: diced pork belly rashers and sliced onions, sprinkled with a stock cube, a cup of water and covered with thinly sliced raw potatoes. Cooked very slowly in the oven. I can't stop eating it, and very economical too!

My favourite is cod and chips

you can't beat a roast dinner, can you?!

Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding......mmmmmmmmm....

My favourite British dish has to be a Sunday roast Scottish beef joint served in a giant Yorkshire pudding with Jersey new potatoes, fresh garden peas from East Anglian fields, Norfolk farmed sweet carrots & honeyed parsnips, all topped with a good helping of home-made thick gravy and English mustard.

Potato hash- was introduced to this lovely dish around 22 years ago and made it regularly since. Love it!!

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding, with Roast and Mashed Potatoes, Roast Parsnips, Brocolli and Carrotts, accompanied by hot horseradish sauce and lashings of gravy

I'd choose steak and ale pie in a short crust pastry. Preferably using Guinness! Yum!

Mine as got to be the tradition roast,Beef Brisket cooked slow with onions etc,And all the usual trimmings Roasters,Veg & yorkies.

Roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings

Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pud (and horseradish) with all the trimmings

Has to be sausage and mash.


Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding, roast potatoes, roast parsnips and a selection of veg.

Macaroni Cheese with a little mustard in it.Home made of course.

Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding and lots of veg straight from the garden - yummy

My favourite British dish would be fish and chips - preferably with lots of salt and vinegar.

Stew and Dumplings!

Roast beef dinner- Scrummy

I love vegetable stew and dumplings when the weather is cold.
Warms the cockles of your heart.

At this moment in time my favourite is toad in the hole served with mashed spuds, home grown runner beans and gravy.

Scottish scallops and Stornoway black pudding g

If I can choose pudding as my best dish then TRIFLE. If not, then I want to have fish pie

Slow roasted Welsh lamb, roast potatoes, carrots, peas, cauliflower with mint sauce and gravy.

Mine is Cod, Chips and Mushy peas


Any roast with lots of roast potatoes and lashing of gravy