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Win a £50 WH Smith Voucher with National Stationery Week (CLOSED)

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Just one for me since we last spoke – a £5 Love2Shop voucher from a Facebook daily comp.  Not a huge win, but one that will always come in handy!  Can’t believe it is almost the end of April already – are you ahead of the game with End of Month (EOM) competitions, or do you prefer to tackle them head on in the last days?  I am usually scrabbling to catch up on the last day, but I am actually ahead this month – not quite sure why!  I partly put it down to the fact that our TV viewing in the evenings have been dominated by football and other sport this month, which has meant I have been able to get on and comp while hubby was happily watching the sports channels.  I am ever hopeful of a last ditch big win before the end of the month.  How about you, how has April been so far?

We are well into the school term now in our house – eldest seems to be forever busy with playdates, School Council duties, homework, swimming lessons and extra-curricular “stuff”.  The youngest is getting there too with playdates and after school clubs – I often think they have better social lives than us! One thing I have noticed is that my eldest is of an age now that she really loves her stationery that she uses for homework, and is quite protective of it.  She has a set of Smiggle scented macaroon rubbers that I won last year, and if her sister so much as looks at them they are whipped away to her “special box”, and there they stay until the coast is clear! 

Did you know that it is National Stationery Week this week 27th April - 3rd May 2015?  What better time to declutter your office and comping stationery and spruce them up with some lovely new items.  There are always lots of fab competitions available to win during National Stationery Week, and here at Compers News we don’t want to be left out!  For this month’s exclusive competition, just for Compers News members, you can win a £50 voucher for WH Smith, to spend on whatever you like.  You could treat yourself to some lovely new art supplies if you are a craft comper, some files, folders and notebooks if you are an organised comper, or maybe some bright cheerful highlighters or sticky notes for you funky compers.  You could of course spend the voucher on something entirely different – the choice is yours!  If you would like to win this fab prize then simply add a comment to this blog and tell me what your must-have stationery items are as a comper.  For me it would probably be highlighter pens!  I use them to highlight comps that I want to enter in the Compers News magazine, and different colours relate to different things – kids comps, creative comps, comps ending soon etc. 

To enter you will need to be a registered Compers News member and signed into your account, one entry per person and remember that comments are moderated and as such won’t appear immediately.  The competition ends at 23:59 on Tuesday 5th May 2015, and one winner will be chosen at random and contacted after this time – good luck everyone!

Happy comping and lots of Lucky Dust to you all! 

Kirsty x


Terms & Conditions


  • The prize is a £50 WH Smith voucher
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Entrants must be registered Compers News members and logged in to their account
  • One entry per person
  • Entrants must leave a blog comment with their favourite stationery item as a comper
  • The closing date is 23:59 on Tuesday 5th May 2015
  • One winner will be chosen at random from all entries received
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected




My must have stationery item is brightly coloured postcards.

The entire contents of W H Smith is a good start :-)

I Couldn't /wouldn't comp without my quality black fine- tipped permanent pen made by Staedtler.
Non-permanent pens are a no-no, as they could well bleed when they venture through our postal system.
Black pens rule, okay! Thanks for thge comp.

I find a set of clear wallets for each of the supermarkets stores very useful for all those receipts we have to keep.

Notebooks for composing tiebreakers!

My primary 'must have' stationary must be postage stamps but I make use of other rubber stamps to decorate plain envelopes and postcards to make them stand out from the crowd! Thanks for the comp!

At the ready - a hardback notebook for recording wins (if only!)

My must have stationary item is a non smudge pen.

files to keep all my winning letters in!!! and a notebook to remind me of what to buy for qualifiers

My favourite stationery item has to be my "write on anything" pen which has been going strong for a few years! It copes with any kind of surface and doesn't smudge!

My must have stationery item is a book to write my entries in and even then I sometimes duplicate by accident .

A bold marker pen so I can strike through the magazine as I enter each competition to help me keep track of my entries.

Address labels

I love stationery and like a nice folder or 2 to store my competition supplies and my magazines

A decent black pen which doesn't smudge or run when wet.

My must-have item is a good selection of unusual postcards !!

my must have stationery item is my bag of address labels. Saves me so much time

My must haves are plenty of postcards, envelopes and biros.

Havent done as much lately as alot going on but had a lovely win yesterday..a balance bike for my son ..:)

My must have stationery item is post-it notes for reminders not to forget/buy/enter/take a photo etc.

My pink uni-ball pen I love it for writing my postcards.

I'd get pretty storage boxes and wallets. I'm an organising person that loves to put something into something else lol.

Loving the idea about the different coloured highlighter pens by the way, I'll look into that :-)

Box files, dividers, sticky tabs, postcards and pens

A rubber for rubbing out all the mistakes I make when doing the in house puzzles.

I would really like to get some new notebooks and inject some organisation into my comping !

I love different colour pens of varying thicknesses so I can change the look of postcard entries.

A decent pencil sharpener which doesn't rip my pencils to shreds when I sharpen them!

A pile of address labels , postcards ,a highlighter pen and plain sticky labels ( to reuse envelopes )

My notebook which I keep in my handbag to note down comps I see when out and about.

pens and notepads are a must for me! xx

Postcards, as i love entering postcard competitions x

Postcards and self-adhesive labels I can cut or tear to size to neatly cover up and then correct my mistakes!

If I can choose just one then a thin tip black Sharpie pen. If I can have more stuff, then colourful envelopes and a plastic folder for keeping organised.

Those colourful folders that are made from cardboard,
I have a different design for every topic - Compers News,Current, Entered, Winning Letters. etc
I used to have one for each month but there aren't enough entry forms in the shops these days.

A good quality, comfortable to hold, black permanent ink pen for my postcard entries.

We all need plenty of stationary to organise our comping lives and fifty pounds will go a long way towards whatever is needed at this particular time.For me sellotape,plastic wallets,pens etc.Even an atlas will come in handy to decide whether or not to enter for weekend breaks,days out etc.Hope lady luck is shining down on everyone.

I love making my own postcards for comps, so it would have to be lots of lovely coloured card!

I love stationary :) my must have though is loads of stamps and envelopes

A good pen which helps make my writing legible!

A good quality, black ink pen is my must have item.

different coloured highlighter pens, postcards and bright coloured envelopes are all a must for me.

My diary is essential, for keeping record of closing dates and wins!

My must have stationery items are definitely a good, no smudge black pen, and a good supply of bright postcards and coloured envelopes! Need to get noticed!

cards so beautiful I never want to write on them ..

Just a pen. Any pen that works! I can never find one when I need it. I'm sure someone around here must be eating them.

I couldn't do without my pens & pencils. I have a shoe box full of spares which I am constantly dipping in to as my current pen or pencil disappears from my desk!

A good quality pen - for neat form filling is my must have item!

A must have is a good black pen for entry forms and postcards

Clear plastic wallets for filing my LWEs/press clippings.

i need a supply of erasers and pencils to use on my many photocopies of Sudoku and other tricky comps in CN.