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Different Types Of Competitions

Each edition of Compers News contains a unique mix of competition listings to suit every kind of comper. Here’s a brief overview of the categories featured regularly in our magazine.

Free & Easy Prize Draws


All of the competitions listed in this section can be entered using a postcard or plain paper. We’ll always tell you which, although sometimes the rules don’t say in which case you can make up your own mind! If PLAIN PAPER is stipulated, then we recommend that you provide exactly that – an unlined piece of white paper containing your details, placed inside an envelope. If you need to send a POSTCARD, then as long as a plain card isn’t specified, we recommend that you use a picture postcard – and always try to write your own details sideways on to the destination address, to reduce the risk of the Post Office delivering the card straight back to you. Unless otherwise stated, NEVER enclose a postcard inside an envelope.

Purchase Needed Prize Draws


Following a recent change in the law, prize draws can now ask for a proof of purchase. Although this is often modest, it’s usually enough to put a lot of people off entering – so entry numbers for these competitions will nearly always be lower. This, of course, increases your chances of a prize if you do choose to enter – so we give details of the best ‘purchase needed’ draws in this section to help you decide.

Entry Form Competitions


Every competition that we list in this section needs an official Entry Form, and we’ll always tell you where best to look for the forms. It’s important to get hold of entry forms as soon as you possibly can. They don’t often hang around for long, and the ‘display’ dates of many forms rarely run right up to a closing date. The same applies to magazines (either free in-store or paid-for ones), which may contain entry forms. Free magazines disappear quickly, so get into the habit of picking one or two up as soon as you see them. Never be afraid to ask at a store if an Entry Form is not on display. It shows that people are interested in their competitions and, more importantly, your chances of winning will be better if you take the trouble to go that extra mile in pursuit of an elusive form.

Phone and Text Competitions


We always tell you how much it costs to enter a comp listed in either of these sections. The price we quote is the maximum TOTAL cost based on information given in the competition Rules, and in the case of text comps includes all outgoing AND reply text costs.

When entering a text competition, make sure that you follow our instructions EXACTLY, paying careful attention to code words, spacings etc. The promoter’s computer may not recognise your entry otherwise. And don’t worry if you’re not asked to include your name and address details. Winners are usually sent a text or called on the phone that they used to send their entry, and will be asked to provide their details then. Never provide this – or any – information at the time of entering unless it’s specifically requested.

Famous Brands Online


In this section we concentrate on major web comps, and those that are advertised in the press or in-store – for example, on product packaging, book covers etc. This is obviously NOT a definitive listing of online comps, as there are probably thousands in progress at any given time. Subscribers can log on to Chatterbox for details of more web comps, and for direct links to most major online promotions. Also check out our sister site for comprehensive web listings.

Effort Needed / Creative Competitions


If you prefer not to trust to luck in your quest for prizes, we list the biggest and best skill competitions in this section. Slogan and tiebreakers, recipe comps, photography comps, estimation comps, poetry and writing, drawing, spot the ball, art and craft… the list is almost endless. And, once again, you usually find that having to make a bit of an effort to enter means that entry numbers will be much lower, and thus your chances of a prize much higher!

Never be put off entering, say, a recipe or photography comp simply because you don’t think you’re up to the task. In most cases, judges are specifically looking for fun, informal entries and professionals are often excluded anyway.

Komping Kids Competitions


Keep the prizes in the family, as we list the best Kids’ competitions in this section. We think that comping is great for kids – it’s educational, encourages neatness and organisation, and teaches them about winning and losing in a fun way. If possible though, try to get your kids to enter a comp themselves rather than a grown-up doing it on their behalf. In our experience, judges of kids comps are always swayed when an actual child has clearly put in some effort.

Bits ‘n’ pieces


This is where we list anything that doesn’t fit into any of the above categories. It’s a veritable pot-pourri of prizes!

Compers News magazine contains a unique mix of competition listings to suit every kind of comper. Join us today.