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Compers News members have reported these BIG prizes since our last issue!

1. State-of-the-art heating system worth £10,000

2. £8,000 worth of photographic equipment

3. Once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Great Wall of China

4. Luxury sofa worth £2,500

5. £1,000 worth of garden furniture

And here is a small selection of other prizes our readers have told us about during the past month!

  • One-week VIP ski-ing and music festival holiday in France
  • Luxury London break worth £2,000
  • Dinner cooked by a professional chef in your own home
  • TWELVE Samsung Galaxy tablets
  • Family holiday to Nice
  • £500 gift card bundle
  • Luxury Lake District break
  • VIP Lords cricket day
  • Night at the BRITS
  • iPad Air
  • Michelin-starred dining experience in London
  • Romantic glamping break in Somerset
  • £500 Virgin Experience Days gift voucher
  • £100 High Street shopping voucher
  • Perfume-making workshop
  • Luxury Fortnum & Mason hamper
  • Plus LOTS of £100 Asda gift vouchers
  • UEFA Champions League merchandise from Walkers
  • Petrol refunds from Lucozade
  • And lots more...