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Something For The Weekend - Win the Bear Necessities with Muller Rice

Hello again compers!  How was your week, any nice wins to report?  Nothing new here but it has been a very busy first week back at school since the Easter hols.  There seem to have been an endless list of jobs to do, medical appointments and school commitments this week, plus trying to get back in shape prior to the summer – doesn’t feel like as much comping has gone on as I would have liked!  Do you find you are comping less now the weather is getting warmer?  I know I do – I love nothing better than packing up a picnic now and heading off with the family to explore someone new or somewhere well-loved for half a day.  Still trying for that elusive holiday win though – sending out lots of positive vibes into the universe!

With things as busy as they seem to be at the moment, I find I am looking for even more ways to feed the family well, but with less time and effort required by me.  Quite a lot of the time this manifests itself when I am looking for puddings and desserts to dish up after dinner.  When I go on the weekend food shop tomorrow I shall be on the lookout for some Muller Rice desserts, so that I can enter their current promotion.  How would you like to win The Bear Necessities courtesy of Muller – they are giving away £2,000 in prizes every week in their on-pack promotion at the moment.  Pick up a promotional multi-pack of the rice pudding desserts, and you could be winning one of 41 prizes in one of four prize categories.  Simply enter the code from a promotional pack online at and pick which category of draw you would like to be entered into – Tech, Home, Travel or Sport.  All the entries from the preceding week will go into a draw made each Monday, and one winner will be chosen from each category to win the weekly draw, and one lucky winner each week will also “win the lot!”  Individual weekly category prizes will be paid as a £250 Love2Shop voucher, and the “win the lot” weekly winner will receive £1,000 in Love2Shop vouchers!  In addition to these weekly draws there will also be a final mop-up draw on 1st June 2015, when one winner will also receive £1,000 in Love2Shop vouchers.  Each promotional code can only be used once, you can enter up to ten separate codes each week of the promotion, and the weekly promotion ends at midnight on 26th April 2015.  So there isn’t long left to run on this one, and I have seen lots of winners already in the Chatterbox Forum – follow Tasty B the Bear and pick up some packs of Muller Rice this weekend, and you could be a winner too!

On the high street and supermarket vouchers theme, here are some other great comps for you to try this weekend:

  • Fancy a designer outlet shopping spree at one of McArthurGlen’s six regional shopping centres, courtesy of Stylist?  You could be buying yourself that new handbag you have been wishing for, or that pair of special shoes just by visiting the website and answering the question (Our advice – B. 6) by the closing date of 21st April 2015 – good luck!
  • What would you buy if you won the £200 Amazon voucher being offered by Family Traveller in their promotion? Treat yourself to a new tablet, stock up on DVDs for the year or maybe just squirrel it away for birthdays and Christmas.  The truth is Amazon sells everything these days, and you could be buying all manner of lovely treats and practical essentials if you won this great competition.  To have a chance of winning visit the website and answer the question (Our advice – Calamity Crow) by the closing date of 23:59 on 22nd April 2015.  There are even runners up prizes of 3 x £100 Amazon gift cards and 5 x diecast car characters to be won!
  • £75 of Waitrose vouchers would go a long way to doing a nice family, weekly shop wouldn’t it!  That’s what you could be winning if you enter the current competition being run by Great British Chefs.  Visit the website and answer the question (Our advice – 6) by the closing date of midnight on 23rd April 2015 for a chance to fill your cupboards and fridge for free!
  • Spring is here and it is time to tidy the garden and spring clean the house.  You could buy a lot of bedding plants, garden tools, paint and cleaning supplies with the 2 x £243 of Homebase vouchers that Pick Me Up are giving away!  £243 is apparently the average amount we will all be spending on spring projects, so why not kit your garden and home out for free!  To enter you need to register with or log in at the website and answer the question (Our advice – Project Centre) by the closing date of 23rd April 2015, and you can enter daily for extra chances to win.  The competition is likely to close early in the day on the closing date, rather than midnight.
  • If the Muller Rice comp has whetted your appetite for some Love2Shop vouchers, why not enter the Netmums competition to win £200 of vouchers and a styling session with Alicia Kay Style.  Visit the website and enter your details by midnight on 30th April 2015 and you could be splashing out on a whole new wardrobe, after being advised on what styles, trends and colours might suit you best!
  • Fancy buying yourself some lovely, fresh new homewares and accessories?  Enter the competition being run by Best Daily and you could soon be treating your house to some lovely new bed linen, kitchen gadgets, a fluffy new rug or bathroom accessories with £250 to spend at Dunelm!  Register with or log in at the website and answer the question (our advice – sheep) to enter, and you can even enter once per day until the closing date of 13th May 2015 (likely to close in the morning on the closing date).

Happy weekend comping and lots of Lucky Dust to you all!

Kirsty x