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Something For The Weekend - Win 1 of 90 Weetabuddy Creator Kits With Weetabix

Hello compers!  How was your week, any nice wins to report?  Still no wins for me in January – worst dry spell for a long time!  Never mind, I believe in the power of positive thinking so am busy putting lots of positive energy out, and hoping that it comes back with a nice win or two hehe.  How are you doing on your 2015 Comping Wish List, managed to win anything nice from it yet?  Still looking for that elusive holiday here, and I am also trying to win myself a FitBit or similar activity tracker – been after one of those for a while and there are lots of lovely comps for them at the moment.

If you have little ones or grandchildren you will be aware that half term is looming!  One more week here and then we will have the children home for a whole week.  Our car is out of action at the moment too, so am trying to keep my eyes peeled for fun thing to do with them that don’t involve us getting to the other side of the Island!  I have some fun games and craft activities in my head already for next week, and I will be flicking through the latest Compers News to find some Komping Kids promotions for them to enter too.  One of the nicest ones I have found so far is the current Weetabix competition to get the children to create their own Weetabuddy!  Children are asked to make an interesting face out of their Weetabix biscuit, decorated with all manner of fruits, nuts and toppings.  Their parent or guardian can then upload a photo of their creation and upload to with a name and a description of no more than 240 characters.  The children then have a chance to winning daily prizes of one of 90 Weetabuddy Creator Kits containing a personalised child’s apron, a chef’s hat, decorating bottles and other Weetabix goodies.  Entries will be judged on Being Imaginative, Care & Effort, Taste and Health.  You can submit up to three unique entries per day, and the promotion ends at 23:59 on 30th March 2015.  So while you are having breakfast this weekend, why not turn it into a fun activity and get the children making their own Weetabuddies.  And who knows, they could be winning their own personalised pack of goodies for their efforts – good luck!

With Valentine’s Day next weekend, and on a foodie theme here are some other food & drink related comps for you to try this weekend:

  • Fancy a bottle of bubbly to enjoy over the impending Valentine’s? are giving away a bottle of champagne and a pair of Vera Wang glasses, worth over £100!  To enter you need to simply use the Rafflecopter widget by midnight on 8th February 2015 – cheers!
  • Are you adventurous when it comes to your morning coffee?  If so the prize being given away by Sea Island Coffee on Facebook could be just the ticket!  They are offering one person the chance to win some rare Hawaii Kona coffee, which has hints of red wine and spices – perfect for Valentine’s morning.  They will also win a pair of 12oz KeepCups in His n Hers colours, and to enter you need to Like the Facebook page and enter via the app by midday on 9th February 2015.
  • How would you like to give your significant other a beautiful Champagne Sensation Gift Set from Clearwater Hampers this Valentine’s?  It contains a bottle of Autreau Roualet Brut NV Champagne, finest Belgian truffle chocolates and a pair of champagne flutes.  To enter you need to follow @hampers on Twitter and retweet the competition post by midnight on 9th February 2015.
  • Fancy tucking into some yummy Guylian choccies this Valentine’s?  The Mini Mes and Me blog are giving away 10 boxes of Guylian I Love You Chocolates, and all you need to do to enter is engage with the Gleam widget by 23:59 on 10th February 2015 – there are even daily entry options to gain extra entries into the draw.

Happy weekend comping and lots of Lucky Dust to you all!

Kirsty x


Hi Kirsty
I haven't won anything in February at all - yet! -it seems I wasn't very dedicated comping wise in December and the beginning of January. Trying to make up for it now!
Won cinema tickets from Dairylea so went to see Shaun the Sheep yesterday with my 2 children and my mum. It said one prize per household so haven't bothered entering again but some people seem to think that that means only one lot of family cinema tickets and you can still enter for the annual passes. Not sure, will have to look again. Or see if my mum wants to enter herself!
Looked through the voucher basket and there is a National Trust family day pass that must be used by 28 February. That is a possibility for half term but there's not much near us; much as the kids love Wallington Hall it means me spending the day shivering outside so it will depend on the weather as to whether we use it.
Still not enamoured of twitter; it makes me want to go off and do other things. When I first started up from Superluckydi's guide I didn't connect my iPhone to it and when I tried to do it later, it said it was done but if you try and tweet a photo it just says no accounts are connected. Still, there is another guide in Superluckydi's latest email so I might have another look. There again, I might do some piano practice (getting into a bit of trouble about that) and tidy the house - which also gets on my nerves but slightly less than twitter, lol.
Our comp meet is on Thursday but no-one has managed to acquire many forms - I have one!- so it will probably be more of a catch up.
Happy comping and good luck!

Hi Kathryn Well done the cinema tickets win" I won some with Capital FM too so will probably use those over half term. We have some National trust vouchers to use too, and are English heritage members as well, so that's our Half Term sorted, provided the car is fixed lol. Twitter is a tricky thing to get to grips with. I am writing a How To guide for The PrizeFinder soon, so keep an eye on their blog ad hopefully we can get you going on it too. I have lots of success with Twitter wins, so def worth some practice! Have fun at your comping meet up! My eldest is off on her first residential trip tomorrow so got tons to do here today in between working and housework! Have fun and happy comping Kirsty xx