Are you only just beginning to become a comper? Make sure you know about all the best places to find comps, including these ones…
Compers News
We'll start with the obvious. Compers News magazine has a lot to offer readers, but one of the main reasons people subscribe to the mag is the fact that it helps make comping so easy.
And that's a lot to do with the Listings File, which takes up many of the mag's pages and gives you an instant overview of a huge number of comps, listing things like where the comp can be found (a magazine, for example), when it closes, what you can win and what you need to do to enter.
The competitions listed cover all sorts of prizes and have been spotted in all sorts of places where you can find comps, from the sides of crisp packets to magazines.
In other words, we scour the world of comps, meaning you'll know about lots of the big comps that are out there simply by reading one magazine.
We do recommend that you check original sources before entry too, though.
The Prize Finder
Some people might already be big readers of Compers News, but not know about The Prize Finder yet. Accolade, Compers News' publisher, are also behind this website. Why not take a look, we predict that you'll be entering comps in no time through its easy to use interface which offers search and comps listed by category.
The focus here is specifically on internet comps. There are thousands of comps to enter, so like Compers News this is an absolutely crucial tool for any budding comper!
If you're new to the site, we'd recommend giving it a spin by picking a catagory you like the look of and getting your entries in for any comps that look right for you in that part of the site, until you feel you've had your comping fill for the day.
Within, say, an hour, you could easily have around 20 comps entered, taking three minutes or so to enter each (and remembering to peruse the Terms and Conditions for each…).
Search engines like Google are another of the great places you can track down comps online. It's a good idea to get your head around all the different features of your chosen search service, so that you are using it in the best way to meet your needs: tracking down current comps.
Facebook, Twitter and other social sites
Social media and comping have become best friends in recent times. They allow you to socialise and find and enter comps at the same time. As well as the big names like Facebook, where people list lots of comps, keep your eye out for new social sites and similar services - they come up more often than you might think.
For example, we recently spotted that there's a new site out there called My Independent Bookshop. This is all about books, as the name suggests.
Members are currently being offered a range of competitions on the site, for example there's a comp where you could get your hands on tickets for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time on stage in London. Another comp features a signed Danny Wallace novel, T-shirt and pint glass as prizes.
All your favourite places
Once you're a comper, you'll be spotting comps everywhere! From the aisles of your favourite supermarket and the local petrol station, to your favourite mags (not just Compers News) and TV shows. You've always known they're there, but with the motivation of being a comper behind you, you might be all the more likely to take notice and actually enter.
And if you do that, you may well win one day…