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Round up: Tasty competitions for food fans

Feeling hungry? Well, whether it's for comping or just for a spot of grub, you'll like the look of today's competition round up, featuring the chance to win a variety of food-tastic treats!

We've searched out comps from some of the biggest names in the restaurant biz for our latest blog - so get your knives and forks at the ready!

We're going to leap straight in there with a competition that's sure to appeal to people with a love for Italian food.

PizzaExpress has put a particularly short run on its latest social media comp: It began yesterday (April 22nd) and will end today (April 24th) so be quick if you want to take part!

You can read all about the comp on the brand's Pizza Expression blog and it has a £100 gift card as the prize.

This is a sort of work-focused creative competition. The idea is that people take a work photo and upload it onto Facebook - as a comment on a specific PizzaExpress post - hoping to raise a giggle. Pics will be judged on their originality, quality and creativity.

The actual Facebook post can be seen here, which will give you an idea of the competition you're up against! We've spotted some great entries so far!

Photo-based comps are really popular these days, and it's no surprise when you think how many of us have cameras on us all the time - in the shape of our phones!

Okay, let's head from pizza onto another tasty treat that's hit the world of comping lately.

Currently, there's plenty of culinary comp action going on over at the Hotel Chocolat website.

In one monthly comp - with a very simple entry form - people stand a chance of winning a dinner at the brand's Rabot 1745 eatery - for themselves and three pals.

Another comp with the same method of entry promises a very similar prize, but for a dining experience at the Roast + Conch, which recently opened its doors in Leeds, in the centre of the West Yorkshire city.  

Elsewhere on the net, Italian eatery Ask is running a comp offering the prize of a meal for ten, which can be found on Facebook here.

It's open to brand page 'likers' from the UK, and features a pasta-themed question asking entrants to say which out of three pasta dishes isn't on the brand's Spring Menu.

On to another Italian-flavoured Facebook Like comp now - this one from Bella Italia. You can find it here - and it's a case of popping in a few details and potentially winning £150 in Bella Italia vouchers.

Okay, we might have to stop there in our culinary round-up - suddenly feeling quite peckish!

Top tips for discovering food-tastic restaurant comps: 

Check Facebook and Twitter

Both are good places to look for brands you love holding competitions that could leave you with a tasty win.

Think of a big restaurant brand and chances are they're on both of these sites - with smaller local eateries also using them. You can simply check regularly and, if you want to be in with a better chance of seeing a comp come up from a brand, you might also want to 'Like' their official page on Facebook or give them a follow on Twitter.

Look on websites

Also check out the websites of restaurants and eateries to see whether there's any info on them about competitions.


Even internet comps are often promoted in the real world too, so if you're visiting an eatery you like, don't forget to look for posters, leaflets or the like advertising competitions - it could be a way to mix a fun meal out with a spot of comping!


Have any Compers News fans out there ever won a meal or something similar in a restaurant comp? Tell us about it and whet our appetites for some food-flavoured comping!