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Win a £50 Red Letter Days Voucher for Father's Day (CLOSED)

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Can you believe we are 10 days into June already and I still have not won a thing!  That’s right, zip, nada, zilch, not a sausage!  I have been trying to comp more than I had been the last few weeks, but still no nice WEMs, WTCs or social media notifications for my efforts.  How do you keep yourself motivated during dry spells?  For me I like to go back through my prize spreadsheet and remind myself of all the lovely things I have already won and received so far this year – does wonders for the comping mojo.

Seems to be something going on every weekend for the foreseeable future – starting with the Isle of Wight Festival taking place this weekend.  We currently aren’t going, but we are ever hopeful of finding a really good deal on tickets and making a last minute dash to Newport to soak up the festival atmosphere.  Once the Island returns to normal next week we will have Father’s Day to look forward to next weekend.  Do you treat your husband, father or father figure in your life to something nice during Father’s Day?  Hubby here will get a nice meal cooked for him, homemade cards and his choice of films, and my own father will be receiving some nice cards and maybe something cowboy themed as he is a mad wild west fan!

As well as all the chocolates, cards and golf related gifts Father’s day also brings with it lots of lovely comps.  There are always some great creative entry competitions around this time of year with promoters wanting to see photos of you with your dad, read your best dad anecdotes and jokes and hear all about why your dad is the best. 

Not wanting to be left out here at Compers News we have a fantastic exclusive competition this month to celebrate the father figures in your life.  We want to hear all about your dad – what is the best advice they have ever given you, or what lesson have they taught you that you are really grateful for?  If you leave me a comment on the blog below you could be winning your dad (or significant other) a £50 Red Letter Days voucher for them to spend on whatever experience they like.  They could soon be off zooming around a racetrack, whipping up their favourite tipple in a cocktail masterclass or taking afternoon tea at a posh hotel.  You need to be a registered Compers News member, logged into your account to take part, one comment per person and please remember that comments are moderated and won’t appear immediately.  One winner will be chosen at random after the closing date of 23:59 on Tuesday 16th June 2015.  So let us know all about your dad, granddad, or father figure in your life and you could be winning them a lovely treat for Father’s day.

Happy comping and lots of Lucky Dust to you all!

Kirsty x


Terms & Conditions


  • The prize is a £50 Red Letter Days voucher
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Entrants must be registered Compers News members and logged in to their account
  • One entry per person
  • Entrants must leave a blog comment with the best advice their dad has given them or lesson they have been taught by them
  • The closing date is 23:59 on Tuesday 16th June 2015
  • One winner will be chosen at random from all entries received
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected



Sadly my dad is no longer with us and I miss him every day-he was always so positive even when life dealt him a hard knock and so I credit him with giving me my fighting spirit.

Be brave

My dad's 93 and his best friends are two budgies! His legs are feeling the strain of nine decades of exercise and his hearing needs a little help but dad still does his own shopping. His car insurance costs over £1000 a year but he'd rather pay that and have his independence than "have to phone and wait for a taxi to arrive" as I suggested would be cheaper for him than running a car. He eats out at least two or three times a week (he goes out more than I do!) - I suspect because it's easier than doing it himself! He keeps telling us that he won't be here much longer ( he's probably right ) - but as he's been saying that since his 80th birthday I'm not ruling anything out. I think his main lesson to us all is to live life to the very end - despite arthritis and a knee replacement he still believes he could run a marathon!

When I was growing up, I always thought of my Dad as a very austere figure in my life. He didn't speak to me much - being the younger of his two daughters & with three older brothers. But he did show me the value of hard work. He spoke his mind & was always very honest. These are the qualities I admire about him & I try to emulate him in every way. When I was a more mature person, he became a wonderful friend and I found he did indeed have a wonderful sense of humour. We had many laughs together - sometimes at the expense of Mum. I miss him very much even though he has been gone for more than 20 years. His best advice was never spend more than you earn & save a little every payday for that 'rainy day'.

When I turned 18 I couldn't wait to get credit cards and I shopped till I dropped using different store cards. I thought it was wonderful that I could pay these back monthly only I got terribly into debt and had to divulge my situation to my parents as I couldnt afford to pay them off. My dad, bless him, paid them all off and he took all my wages as payment giving me a set amount to live on each month. I struggled but I paid him off in the end and have never used a credit card since!

DMy dad worked in a London bank for decades and taught me to be careful with finances.It may be boring but it's a big help.

My dad taught me all about gardening, especially growing my own fruit and veg - that really is a gift which keeps on giving!

My Dad taught me to live by the philosophy 'if you see someone without a smile give them yours'

My Dad passed away in 2011 and I miss him very much. My brother and I had a brilliant childhood, Dad was always playing games with us and making us laugh. He made a joke of everything and just got on with things. Whether I'm like him or not in that regard is for others to judge but I am so glad he was my Dad. I would dedicate this to my husband Bruce who is also a good Dad.

My Dad has a great sense of humour despite difficult times. He is currently awaiting surgery as is in poor health but never complains and always makes the person he comes into contact with better for just speaking to him!

My Dad's long gone but he's still with me in spirit. the grandchildren can spoil their granddad with this prize

My Dad scrimped and saved during his working life and is now enjoying the benefits in retirement.

Sadly Dad passed away 4 years ago. I have inherited his love of gardening and feel close to him when in
the garden as I have many of his gardening tools. He was a kind and protective father and I always remember him telling me to be a polite driver and thank other drivers when they stop to let me pass by.

My dad now lives in cornwall so I don't see him much but he is a kind, gentle man with a wonderful heart.

My dad always said when I was growing up "as long as you try your best, thats all I can ask" I try to live by this code always, and instill this in my children too.

I feel a bit emotional reading these Dad stories :( I would like this prize for my husband so he can try something new and maybe share the experience with our 12 year old daughter :)

A love of card games. My dad taught me how to play crib (and other card games) at quite an early age and we still play now. When my son started school the teacher attributed his impressive maths abilities to his ability to play cards and darts (magnetic of course ;0) and the 'on the spot' mental calculations involved.

My Dad is very funny! And is also now an awesome granddad!

I'm lucky enough to still have my dad, and he still keeps me laughing.

My Dad sadly is no longer with us, however he was always doing silly things (like pretending to walk into doors or drop the best china) to make the kids laugh! Now my Son does the same sort of stunts to make his kids laugh - it must be in the genes!!

My Dad died in 1968 when I was 15. The words from him, that have come back to me so many times are simple."NEITHER A BORROWER NOR A LENDER BE!" Of course,like all parental advise,it initially fell on deaf ears! I've echoed it to my family many times !Don't we all ignore good advise,initially?

Probably the most useful advice has been about DIY. Not sure I would have had the confidence without hints and tips from my Dad. Comes in very handy as a single mum!

My Dad's advice was never to hold any grudges against anyone as you never know when you might need a favour - or a job - from that person. If you must waste energy on holding grudges, then keep them to yourself!

My Dad taught me not to rely on others but to have the confidence in your own abilities. It's easy to persuade someone else to do something for you, but much more rewarding to do it yourself.

My Dad taught me to always chase my dreams and if things don't work out, don't regret it, it's all just part of life experience

My dad died 20 years ago but always said never a borrower be , I never got into debt , now own 2 properties and have money in the bank - hew was right #thankyoudad

I'm lucky enough that my dad lives just round the corner from me and I never let myself forget how fortunate I am for that. I'd be lost without him as I rely on him for so much and he always helps me out without complaint. He makes me laugh with his awful 'Dad' jokes and he and mum mean the world to me

My Dad always said if you cant afford to lose, dont bet or spend

My Dad taught me many years ago that part of life is to make mistakes,but to learn from these mistakes is what allows us to develop and grow.Over the years (I am 48) I have done a lot of stupid things and made regrettable decisions but my Dad ,who is 91,has always been there to help pick myself up and to point me in the right direction.He was a brave ,young soldier taking part in the Normandy D Day landings and ,for me,will always be my No. 1 hero.

Dad sparked off my interest in nature as this was his passion. Now bird and wildlife watching gives me so much in life. Thank you Dad xx

My Dad is no longer here, but he said always try your best at what you do. Would love to win this for my husband who is a great Dad.

My father is also no longer with us - there are so many things I could say but to pick one piece of advice - he was a great teacher and would always encourage us to think for ourselves.

My wonderful Dad who passed 18 years ago, taught me loyalty even in adversity. Always appreciate the hand that feeds regardless. I'm very grounded because of him.

This competition is now CLOSED. Thanks for all your entries, a winner will be chosen, contacted and announced shortly. Good luck all! x

Many congrats to our winner Phil Holland!