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Make Your Postal Entries Stand Out with Eye-catching Envelopes

Hello compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Nothing much going on here wins-wise, although hubby and I did both win on the Magners Cider Blippar app comp this week – we both won beanie hats!  I hope they both arrive before the cold weather turns, or we will look rather odd on warm spring days wearing our fetching headgear!  It really has been very cold here the last week or so, enough to bring the hot water bottles out!  Being on the Isle of Wight we don’t experience the extreme weather that other areas of the country have, but it has been cold enough to want to just stay in and snuggle under blankets and have a good comp!

How do you like to spend your free comping time most?  Do you like to take time to think up fantastic creative tie-breakers and photo ideas, do you like to enter lots of simple web entry comps, or maybe you like to lay all your stationery out at the table and enter lots of postal entry comps.  My husband is the one in our family who tends to do most of the postal entries – he gets very organised sat at the dining table with his pile of envelopes, postcards, stamps and the Compers News. 

If you are a big postal comp fan Compers News have a fantastic offer for you this month, just for being a member!  We are all looking for ways to make our postal competition entries stand out aren’t we – beautiful postcards, picture stamps, coloured calligraphy pens and funky name and address labels being just some of the ways you can give yourself a winning advantage.  Think how lovely it would be though to send your plain paper entry comps in beautiful, patterned envelopes, instead of the usual white or manila ones.  Well, we can help!  We are offering all Compers News subscribers the chance to order beautiful, eye-catching envelopes at a massive 20% discount on the RRP – saving you up to £8!  You can order 100 Royal Mail approved DL sized envelopes for just £7.20 (instead of £9), 500 for £20 (instead of £25) or 1,000 envelopes for only £32 (instead of £40) – that’s just 3p an envelope and amazing value for money!  There is even free delivery on all orders.

So why not help your competition entries stand out, particularly when winners are chosen still by an actual human, rummaging through a box to pick an entry.  Think how much your envelopes could stand out against the background of plain entries – that has to be a good thing doesn’t it!  So don’t delay call 0844 815 0853 and quote CNEENV14, or use the order form in the January 2015 issue of the magazine.  Stocks are limited and the offer ends on 31st March 2015 so order yours today!

Happy comping and lots of Lucky Dust to you all!

Kirsty x