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WIN £40 Fancy Dress Voucher for Halloween (CLOSED)

Hello again compers!  How is your week going, any nice wins to report?  Only two wins for me so far this month, but did win some nice Jimmy Choo “Stars” perfume from The Perfume shop, which looks lovely!  Autumn has definitely arrived here on the Island though – this week has been the first week my girls haven’t changed into just t-shirts and shorts after school, and the long sleeved pyjamas have been dug out too!  Not complaining though, it is so much easier to sleep when it isn’t roasting hot and humid, and I am inspired to get the slow cooker on again – love autumn! 

The next big coming event of course is Halloween on 31st October, and there are already lots of great competitions springing up.  A lot of the more creative ones, where you are asked to photograph your decorated house, child in costume or carved pumpkin, quite often pop up nearer the time too, so keep your eyes peeled!  If you need to update your little ones’ (or your!) costumes ready for Halloween, need to get some special Halloween make up, or fancy some new spooky decorations for your Halloween party, then Compers News have the competition for you!  In this month’s exclusive giveaway, we are offering you the chance to win £40 of vouchers to spend with!  The site offers the UK’s biggest choice of costumes including men’s, women’s, children’s, hats & wigs, accessories & props and make up & contact lenses!  You could be buying some super scary costumes to use Trick or Treating this year - or if you aren’t into the spooky season at all, you can use the voucher to purchase whatever you like!

To enter all you have to do is to tell me, in the blog comments below, how you celebrate Halloween.  We don’t do Trick or Treating or have a party here – just not a holiday me or the husband were brought up celebrating.  We don’t stop the children going to Halloween parties at school, or carving pumpkins though.  I am sure some spooky looking food and a marathon of Scooby Doo might be the order of the day on Halloween itself too!  To enter the competition you must be a registered member and logged into your account, one entry per person and the competition ends at 23:59 on Tuesday 14th October 2014.  One winner will be selected at random from all entries received, and will be contacted by email within 7 days of the closing date.

Happy Halloween comping everyone, and lots of Lucky Dust to you all!

Kirsty x

Terms and Conditions

  • The prize is a £40 to spend at
  • Open to UK residents aged 18 or over
  • Entrants must be registered Compers News users and logged in to their account
  • Entrants must leave a blog comment with how they celebrate Halloween
  • The closing date is 23:59 on Tuesday 14th October 2014
  • One winner will be chosen at random from all entries received
  • The winner will be notified by email within 7 days of the closing date, and must confirm their postal address within 28 days or an alternative winner will be selected


now we just normally carve a piumpkin and put it in the window to shoe we have afew treats for the neighbours children

We never celebrated Halloween when our offspring were young. It's only become popular in the last few years. I do make sure to have some treats in for the neighbours' children these days.

Hello! The kids dress up and my eldest goes to the American Air Base as his dad is American and grandad was in the American Air Force - they go mental over Halloween and Conor comes back with tons of 'candy'!!

Halloween has always been a big day for me and my family. I was born on Halloween, then my sister was born on my first birthday and I also got married on Halloween on my 32nd birthday. When we were kids because my sister and I shared a Halloween birthday, my mum always had a party, we dunked for apples, ate my aunt's lovely apple pie in which she had hidden a few coins (pennies, thruppeny bits sixpences and even the odd shilling!), my dad set off some fireworks (Catherine wheels and rockets mostly) and we all got 'sparklers' to hold! My uncle dressed up in an old coat and a mask and scared the wits out of us! There was no such thing as 'trick or treating' or pumpkin carving or dressing up back then, Halloween has (like most things) become very commercialised recently. My mum still keeps the tradition of the Halloween party going mostly for the grandchildren, and there's even one little 5 year old great-grandchild now to enjoy it. We all try to make it to the party if we can, although because it's also my wedding anniversary some years we go away for a few days break. I must say I have enjoyed reminiscing about 'back then' :)

I hate taking my children trick or treating as I feel there begging for sweets, I do take them tho but only for 20 mins then we come back in & wait for all our knocks , we have more fun carving the pumpkins xx

I do not really celebrate Halloween but I make sure |I have some treats ready for any callers. I love the way they do it in North America with lots of lovely decorations in their gardens.

I try to get rid of anything calorific I have bought in excess for comping purposes. Children trick or treating are dleighted to come to my door and find kitkats, quality street or walkers crisps. They weren't so pleased when it was Nutrigrain though!! lifelong horror fans, we do Halloween in a big way. Preparation starts in Summer, every year having a theme - one year the house became a morgue, another a torture chamber. This year it's Alice Cooper dress with lots of screaming and unpredictable robotics ..treats given out jellied eyeballs, or blood squirting worms. Friends come to be face painted and dressed during the day and we have visitors from miles around come see what we do each year...great fun :)

We always have a party at my brother's home. There are 11 children who all dress up and some of the adults too - I usually go as a witch! The house is spookily decorated and we have a coffin filled with soil and there are gory items buried in it, which the kids have to fish out. Lots of games and traditional food always makes it a fun night.

As it's my birthday I dig out my old witches hat and my long black Morticia dress and have fun with my three young granddaughters making ourselves look scary (not hard in my case!) The look on the faces of the kids who come knocking is worth the hassle!

when the kids were younger we did the partys with all the decs up apple bobbing, now they are too old for this we still have a bucket of sweets by the front door for the little ones who knock.My grand daughter who is just 3 is so looking forward to dressing up this year

Our local park has the illuminations on for halloween so the children dress up and walk around the park. The council hire rides and adult witches to hand out sweets. Its safe, ver busy and the children love it.

If my girls are here we put lit pumpkins outside to show we are joining in.....but if they are at their dad's house, then I just leave an 'honesty' bucket outside filled with wrapped sweets and a 'please help yourself' sign. One year the Grim Reaper stood outside my window waving at me [oh time is up!....] - although I did think it a little odd that he was rather short. Turned out it was one of the boys from the school I work at. Phew!

We didn't really celebrate when we were growing up, so we make up for it now. Our friends host a party every year with a fancy dress competition with the prize going to the scariest costume - no kids allowed. Green and red cocktails, cake shaped like severed limbs and lots of fun. It really isn't for the faint hearted.

I always buy in lots of sweets ready, pumpkin outside to let trick or treaters know they are welcome and Andrew and I sit and wait. He's only 3 so a bit young to go out doing it himself yet, but we will visit grandma to get sweeties there. He loves it when people in their costumes knock on the door.

We don't bother, but I always have sweets ready for callers. Some years we get lots, others very few, so I end up eating them - very little willpower here!
Years ago my sons used to dress up and go out. They must have been some of the first do it, but only went to friends houses. Then one year one of them put on a scary costume and mask, and when callers knocked would throw open the door and that really did cause a few screams.

we normally go to an activity eve at the church which includes all the fun things like bobbing for apples, crafts, sweets & even a bouncy castle in the aisle - fun & safe

We carve a pumpkin, have spooky music at front door, decorate the front garden and welcome everyone with a tray of sweets or cakes. Kids love it, always have a crowd round x

I usually carve/butcher a pumpkin and the kids go out trick or treating and then come home and share the spoils!

Our local pub always has a disco and fancy dress competition, this year I am hoping to win!


We always go either to a 'party' at church or have one at home complete with apple bobbing and arts and crafts. We always plan to hang the scones up on a string from the ceiling and do that game where you have to jump up and take a bite out of them with your hands behind your back but never quite managed. For some reason it's meant to be treacle scones, or maybe that was just the Brownie annual I used to have.

My dad always used to do the carving with us but it was turnips in those days, not pumpkins. I'd actually forgotten until now how much he used to love helping with that (he died before any of the grandchildren were born).

We always try and theme the food as well; red food colouring in lemonade to make 'Bloody Drink" tends to be a big hit. My mum awards prizes for the arts and crafts (and the apple bobbing etc) and the little ones like to dress up so she gives prizes for the costumes as well. Much better to let them win a prize rather than go knocking on doors. (Comping rules ok)

One set of grandchidren celebrate with their friends , all dressing up in ever more elaborate costumes. They do go trick or treating but only in the close where they live as it is very safe! They then have a barbecue and eat lots of toffee apples. My other grandchildren do not celebrate as it is against their religous beliefs. We rarely have trick or treaters call at our house as we live in a cul de sacso if any do brave it we will no doubt have to pay the penalty! I doubt if they would be satisfied with half a pack of polos!

We used to do duck apple and tell ghost stories, we never used to dress up or go trick or treating,

My mum was Canadian and used to enjoy Halloween as much as the USA. As a child over 50 years ago, we had a good old party on Halloween, mum made Parkin and Brownies, we played bob the apple, ( I am sure that wouldn't be allowed nowadays) Dad hung apples from the ceiling and we had to bite them without touching with our hands, to win a prize, we had home made toffee apples. The kids in the street all loved our house at halloween. Happy memories.

I have sweets on hand for trick or treaters for the little ones that come with their parents, and in the past we have done Halloween parties at work for the children and I dressed up as a witch! great fun

I love Halloween because it makes the cobwebs in my home look like decorations lol

Having read all the comments, it seem to me that a lot of folk have gone very American! When I was a wee girl , we went 'guising' as we call it in Scotland with carved turnips, they had candles inside,we spent half our time relighting them, since it always seemed to be windy! This is a small village so we knew pretty much everyone, so it was quite safe in those days. Now we don't bother , since our Grandchildren are in Canada and we don't know many of the neighbouring children , so they wouldn't come to our house ( and quite rightly so) . My boys loved Halloween and did things exactly the same way we did! It was great fun! :) arranmum

Hand out sweets to neices, nephews and all the spooky kids who venture to the door.

we always go somewhere special for Halloween - last year was LEGOLAND, this year Disneyland paris!

My daughter doesnt like trick or treating but enjoys carving a pumpkin to put in the window

Just simply dressing up and walking round our close to see our neighbours - great fun event!

This competition is now CLOSED. Thanks for all your entries, I will choose and announce a winner shortly.
Kirsty xx

Our winner is Mrs Linda Savas - many congratulations and happy spending! Another great exclusive competition coming up next month! xx

My friend and her family always come over for a bowl of chilli. The kids used to go out guising (trick or treating) but they're too old now so we wait for the knocks on our door. I'm working night shift this Halloween so there won't be any wine.