Supermarket shopping becomes that bit more exciting when you're a comper!
No longer just a standard-issue trip through the aisles picking up food you need, it can become a much more exciting hunt for the latest competition!
Even though by reading Compers News you may well have come across many on-pack promotions, there's still that chance that you'll come face to face with a promotion for the first time while you're in-store.
What are on-pack promotions?
When you're in the supermarket, keep your eyes peeled for changes to the packaging of products. That colourful new design in the corner of the box, bottle or wrapper could end up being the first signal in a journey that ends with you becoming a winner!
On-pack promotions are a promotional tool often used in the food and drink industry, whereby the consumer is offered something exciting, advertised on the pack.
That doesn't always mean competitions, it might simply be that the on-pack promo is advertising a special offer such as a freebie that isn't part of a comp as such.
When the offer is a comp, sometimes, you'll simply be directed as to how to enter via the info on the packet - and won't actually need to buy the product in question. At others it's common for the customer to be asked to buy the item, then use a code on the pack to enter a comp - often by going online.
A recent example
Here's a good recent example that gives a sense of the way on-pack comps often work.
Bottled water brand Highland Spring is currently in the midst of an on-pack competition called 100 Days of Summer.
Customers who buy special packs will be provided with a code on this, and can then go to a dedicated website to upload it.
They will be able to do this starting April 14th, according to the website where you input the code.
The idea is that people can win prizes each day over the course of 100 days, hence the competition's name.
The range of prizes are linked to summer - so there are picnic blankets, BBQs, kites and more on offer.
"The 100 Days of Summer promotion is helping our consumers get set for the season with all the essentials they need, whether the sun comes out or not," explained Highland Spring marketing manager, Claire Wilson.
Tips for on-pack comps:
You won't just see them on-pack
Brands don't just pop re-designed packs onto the shelves and leave it at that with this sort of comp. You'll often be able to spot one coming by checking a brand's social media, their website and perhaps even seeing adverts online or elsewhere - meaning that if a brand you like has an on-pack competition underway, there's a great chance you'll notice it, especially if you're on the look-out!
There are various places where you'll be able to read-up on any comp like this that sparks your interest. An outline of how it all works will be on the packaging itself, and the brand will likely also include T&Cs online, which can be a good way to get down to the fine points about exactly what the comp entails.
Use your membership
Only Compers News members get to read the specific selection of comps - including on-pack competitions - that are listed in our famous Listings File every month. This helps lower the chances that you might miss one of the comps listed. Though not an exhaustive run-down of every single comp going (there's just not the space!) it's a great overview of a large list of comps.
Northern Ireland tip
If you live in Northern Ireland, look out for Terms and Conditions information about how to enter without actually having to buy something in competitions that otherwise require purchase - this could save you cash.