Skill competitions

One of our top comping tips is always: ‘The harder it is to enter the competition, the easier it is to win!’  Whenever a little bit of effort is required, more often than not people don't bother entering, or never quite get around to it.

So your chances of a win will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be better when an element of Skill or Effort is needed.

BUT, as tends to be the case with comping generally, when we say “effort” then this can often mean just a few minutes – or even seconds – work. And how does 5 or 10 minutes work to win a car, cash or a holiday sound? Once you have the ‘knack’ of constructing a winning slogan, there’s no telling what you could win.

Skill competitions

There are a number of different types of skill-based competitions. These include:-

Order-of-Merit: Arrangement of a number of supplied characteristics in the order chosen by the judge(s) as most appropriate (although these are not very common nowadays).

Estimates: How many chocolate bars will fit in a car, etc.

Tie-Breakers: By far the most popular type of skill competition, where the task is for the competition entrant to complete a sentence in a prescribed number of words or less. These are then judged, and the best entries are chosen as the winners. Such competitions are also referred to as 'Slogan Competitions', and are generally the favourite (and most profitable) of the dedicated comper.

Write winning slogans

The best way of learning what is required is to look at past winning entries. You'll find some examples on this site, and a MUCH bigger selection (tens of thousands of slogans, spanning decades of prizes) can be accessed in our unique slogan database WINDEX (Members only).

Although, we do not recommend copying past winners, they are a tremendous source of inspiration and example.

By looking through WINDEX (Members Only) you will soon get an idea of what promoters are looking for.  Generally a good slogan has RHYME, RHYTHM and a PUN.  You must also FLATTER the promoter/product.


In a nutshell..."Rhyming pays, but don't forget to praise!"